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Nihongo Quest Update 9/30/2021

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I have written a blog to update everyone, but there is so much news to announce that I felt it was warranted!

The Nihongo Quest Demo is now available!

You can now download the Nihongo Quest Demo via steam on our Steam page. It's only available for Windows, which I will explain more below.

Nihongo Quest will be taking part of the Steam Next Fest!

The Steam Next fest runs from 10/1-10/7. Please feel free to play the demo of Nihongo Quest (and be sure to review it with a thumbs up!). We...

ではありません・じゃない- Negative Tense

Level: N5

Game Location: ハコタテ 料理 Ward


The main point:

ではありません・じゃない is the negative tense of です・だ

Example Sentences:

果物じゃない。(くだまおのじゃない、(It is not) fruit.)

寿司ではありません。(だいじょうぶだった、(It is not) sushi.).


Nihongo Quest Update- Feb 2021

Nihongo Quest Update- Feb 2021

Happy New Year!

While we have been active on social media, this is our first actual update to the game since December! First thing is first:

After this update, we are closing new players from joining the alpha

Due to heightened interest in the game, we now have far more people interested in playing the game then we can handle. Therefore, we will be closing access to the beta to new players after this update. This brings up a very important point:

If you are not on our Discord server, please be sure to join!

Click here to join...

Nihongo Quest- December 2020 Update

Nihongo Quest- December 2020 Update

Hard to believe it's the end of the year! Let's talk about the exciting new updates we have for Nihongo Quest!

Nihongo Quest is an MMO!

I am very excited to announce that Nihongo Quest is an MMO...at least for now!

This may come as a surprise to some of you (since this definitely wasn't something that was hyped), so let's explain some of the benefits to making this an MMO.

One thing I will note before I get into things: do not forget your Nihongo Quest password! We don't have a password recovery system (yet), so don't lose this, please!


What's the difference between じ/ぢ and ず/づ?

What's the difference between じ/ぢ and ず/づ?

In Japanese, basically one character = one syllable (technically, they're not syllables but "moras," but eh, you get the point). Each Hiragana character has a unique sound with a few exceptions. 

Two groups of exceptions are じ/ぢ (ji/ji) and ず/づ. (zu/dzu) When romanizing じ/ぢ, "ji" is used for both (pro tip: if you need to type ぢ on keyboard, though, you can type "di"). So what gives? Why have different characters for the same sounds? Is it just to torture poor foreigners studying the language? As you are playing through

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What's the difference between じ/ぢ and ず/づ?
In Japanese, basically one character = one syllable (technically, they're not syllables but "moras," but eh, you get ...
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Nihongo Quest Update 9/30/2021
Hello everyone, It's been a while since I have written a blog to update everyone, but there is so much news to announ...
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でございません Very formal (Teineigo)
でした Formal
だった Casual